Name:__________KEY__________’s Vocab Sheet

1. Stage directions are “actions that are written down.

2. A lazzi is “is a comedic routine performed onstage.”

3. Somersault- a backwards or forwards roll where the feet go over the head to land on the feet again.

4. Somersault flop- a backwards or forwards roll where the feet go over the head, but stay extended at the end of the somersault.

5. Trip- a stumble over an object or part of the body.

6. Pratt fall- a safe stage fall

7. Fish flop- a fall where the tummy sticks out and the actor teeter totters on his belly

8. Partner balances- when two or more actors share each others weight

9. Extreme emotions- everything is a “huge deal.”

10. Fiasco face is when a performer lets all the muscles in her face relax and leaves the mouth slightly agape when confronted with a particularly confusing situation.