Final Project Assignment

For your final project, you will be creating a 3-5 minute comedic scene to perform for the class.  We will be presenting these scenes at the end of class on Friday (tomorrow!) We realize that this doesn’t give you very much time, so here’s what you need to know to prepare:

What am I making?
A 3-5 minute comedic scene to perform for the class on Friday.

Who am I making it with?
You will be making these scenes in groups of two or three.  The instructors will let you know who is in your group.

What do we need to include in this scene?
First, you MUST exercise safety when constructing your pieces and you MUST be respectful of your group mates.

Second, you must include at least TWO of the clowning techniques you have learned in this class.  These techniques include: extreme emotions, lazzis, somersaults, trips, pratt falls, fear, fiasco face, partner balances.

Third, in your skit you must use humor to address an issue in current events or a significant issue in your life that you feel powerless about.

What do we need to turn in to the instructors?
At the end of class on Thursday, you will be turning in a draft of your scene.  You do not need to write out each individual line or action, but you must write down all of the main ideas you will be using as well as descriptions of each character.  Tell us what happens in your story.

Is there anything we should NOT put in the scene?
Make sure to keep it school appropriate.  We trust you to make good decisions.  If you have a question about whether or not something is school appropriate, please as an instructor.

Is there anything else we need to know?
The instructors will be making copies of the performances to make DVDs for everyone in class, but this is just for us so NO PRESSURE!
HAVE FUN!  We are risk-takers in this class!  It is okay to try something and have it not work out.  Remember, that you are only being graded on effort, not on getting anything “right.”