
Unit Goal: The overall goal of this Intersession unit is for students to understand the basic elements and importance of physical comedy and think critically about what makes it funny.

Main Unit Overarching ELA Standards:7th Grade Writing Standard 3.  Write narratives and other creative texts to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

CIB Learner Standard: Risk-Takers- take-on new things with courage, and they have the independence to explore new roles and try new strategies.

Guiding Essential Question: What is physical comedy and why is it funny?

Supplemental Essential Questions:
  • How do we read the “text” of physical comedy?
  • Is it possible to execute comedic stunts safely?  How?
  • When is it funny when someone gets hurt, and when is it not funny?
  • What are some ways to prevent injury while performing physical comedy?
  • Are there times when comedy is about more than making someone laugh?
  • How do we present physical comedy?

Expected Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will produce a 3-5 minute comedic bit or skit based featuring 3 of the physical stunts and one of the critical principles of physical comedy learned in class.
2. The students will be able to critically analyze physical comedic texts.
3. The students should leave class feeling they have experienced being a part of a community.
4. The students will be able to understand how comedy can deconstruct power structures.
5. The students will possess a greater respect and regard for safety.
6. The students will have fun learning about physical comedy.

  • Students will understand the classroom rules and expectations.
  • Students will understand how to read stage directions.
  • Students will understand that a lazzi is a comedic routine performed onstage.
  • Students will understand their own abilities and the importance of physical safety.
  • Students will understand that a pratt fall is a safe stage fall.
  • Students will understand the mechanics of somersaults.
  • Students will begin to understand what about physical pain can be funny.
  • Students will understand the dangers of comedy that involves injury.
  • Students will understand the importance of control and precision to avoid injury.
  • Students will understand that “fiasco face” means that the performer lets all the muscles
  • in her face relax and leaves the mouth slightly agape when confronted with a particularly confusing situation.
  • Students will understand that clowns experience fear, love, and sadness in extreme levels because of their simple natures.
  • Students will understand that comedy can be more than making someone laugh- it can a political statement, satire, or a coping mechanism.
  • Students will understand that clowns are not just scary circus performers in white make-up.
  • Students will understand that the red nose is the world’s smallest mask.

What Students Will Know at the End of Class:
  • Students will know the classroom rules and regulations.
  • Students will know that stage directions indicate action.
  • Students will know the definition of the term “lazzi” and that it originates from Commedia dell’Arte.
  • Students will know how to perform somersaults, pratt falls, and tumbles.
  • Students will know how to spot each other when learning physical bits.
  • Students will know that a difference exists between cartoons and real life.
  • Students will know that a line between humor and tragedy exists when discussing                physical comedy and pain.
  • Students will know that clowns express extreme emotions.
  • Students will know that comedy can be used to break down power structures in schools- Matilda- and politics- The Great Dictator.
  • Students will know that it is both common and sometimes healthy to laugh at
  • inappropriate things.
  • Students will know that it is okay to try something and fail.
  • Students will know that satire is the use of humor to expose and criticism people’s stupidity or weakness of character.

Students Will Be Able to:
  • read stage directions
  • visualize stage directions
  • recognize lazzis
  • perform somersaults, pratt falls, and tumbles to the best of their ability
  • encourage and spot fellow classmates
  • critically analyze comedy that involves injury.
  • people being injured funny (Side Show Bob vs. the article students injured by stunts)
  • exercise good judgment and self control when attempting a performance piece
  • perform the “fiasco face” and other clown faces
  • bring their red noses home with them
  • identify aspects of satire in physical comedy
  • think critically about comedy as a source of power
  • construct a short comedic bit